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Showing posts from July, 2017

All Aboard to Sign the Next Petition

Independent Party "Peoples Choice" Check for times and dates that  Friends of Helen Pesce committee will be in your area collecting signatures for her petition. Check for Times and Dates with Facebook Events Don't let this train leave without you! Sign up today

The Calm After the Storm

THE CALM AFTER THE STORM Waiting for the next shoe to drop, but for now my petition to run in the Primary for the Independence line on 9/12/2017 has been deemed valid regardless of the objections from a Harrison voter of the Republican party. Forever grateful and thankful to have come this far. Even if you don't make it to the end, getting there will give you enlightenment and knowledge that you will have never received before. So, the process is a great experience and if you ever say you want to do it? Just do it and you can never say you didn't try. You can apply that to anything in life! Like one of the speakers mentioned in the Harrison High School Graduation, to be successful you must " Think out of the box, be a little crazy and have Integrity ", which is now one of my favorite quotes. (:   It is certainly not easy to figure this all out without a party backing you, but thanks to the internet  and to all who have given me the confidence and informat

Petition Process for Designating Petitions

Petition Process for Designating Petitions Unless you are well versed in Election law and the process of getting to the ballot, it is hard to grasp everything that goes into this. As a first time candidate I have learned a lot from this process, and regardless of how far I get in this process, this has been a great learning experience and has sparked a political aspiration to change Election laws.  Election laws are updated annually. Example of the Designating petition . Here is a guide to filing a designation petition. So, in a nutshell, I filed my Designating petition to primary in the September 12 th election for the Independence party.  I received an objection letter from a Republican Resident and District Leader that they objected to my petition.  I

Harrison, NY - Summer Concerts

Enjoy The Summer Concerts See you at the next Concert

Independent or Independence Party

I am in the Independence Party, I have been getting signatures for my petition and the same subject comes up over and over.  Independence vs Independent. After a conversation, which after awhile sounds like the old who's on first routine, we come to an understanding.  A 2012 article I pulled up sounds similiar to the discussions that I have been having, .  People who meant to go into the Independence party, filed as and Independent and vice versa. I think the majority that I have talked to meant to be an Independent and signed up in the Independence party.  Well you cannot change for this election I am told but you can for next election, but if you are not registered at all you can register to vote, check the links at . Here is the Wikipedia info for Indpendence: . Here is the Wikipedia info for Independe