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Showing posts from August, 2017

Your Voice, Is Your Vote

YOUR VOICE, IS YOUR VOTE, DON'T BE SILENT Primary 9/12/2017 - General Election 11/7/2017. Strength is in numbers and I am counting on you to Elect me as the Peoples Choice. The Independents (4834 voters) and Independence (849 voters) collectively are right up there with the other major parties. I am the only Independence Party Member running in the Primary and deserve to be selected by my party, we just need to vote. Voting is your Voice, Don't be silent. I spoke with many of my party members and I think you know where I stand.  Until I hear otherwise, My Independent Petition also has been submitted, named "Peoples Choice".  This petition represents all Voters of Harrison. Me, a Independent Candidate, running this grassroots campaign, fighting for my Democratic right to run. Born and raised in the Bronx, Family of civil Servants and War Veterans, 35 years of credit and collection/real estate experience. Raised my two kids in Harrison, now that I am a empty nest

Gubernatorial Elections - Next one 2018

The 2018 New York gubernatorial election will take place on November 6, 2018, to elect the Governor of New York , as well as elections to the United States Senate in other states and elections to the United States House of Representatives and various state and local elections . The amount of signatures that you need to get for Independent Nominating Petition in any given year is based on the last Gubernational election. § 6–142 ELECTION LAW 2. An independent nominating petition for the nomination of candidates for an office to be filled by the voters of any other political unit must be signed by voters numbering five per cent of the total number of votes cast for governor at the last gubernatorial election in such unit, excluding blank and void votes, except that not more than three thousand five hundred signatures shall be required upon any such petition for any office to be filled in any political subdivision of the state wholly outside the city of New York, and not

Politics - Ballot Position - Primary

Politics - Ballot Position - Primary Politics - Ballot Position - Primary So, I left off from my last blog post about Ballot Position. In the drawing for ballot position I got the #2 spot out of 2 spots. My identifier number is 2F. So now we wait for September 12th for the Primary Election. A primary election is an election that narrows the field of candidates before a general election for office. Primary elections are one means by which a political party or a political alliance nominates candidates for an upcoming general election or by-election . Primaries are common in the United States , where their origins are traced to the progressive movement to take the power of candidate nomination from party leaders to the people. [1] Other methods of selecting candidates include caucuses , conventions , and nomination meetings. Read more at: This is a primary for the Independence Party not to be confused with Independent or (

The Drawing of the Ballot Position

 A Drawing for Your Ballot Position I received a letter today from the Board of Elections that there is going to be a drawing tomorrow at the board of elections for Ballot position. I called them and it's just about what your position is on the ballot. You can google videos of other towns and how they do it. WHO'S ON FIRST? Does the Ballot Order of Candidates Make a Difference? (click here to read full article) Larry J. Sabato Director, U.Va. Center for Politics Every year, about this time, I hear from people who have watched their state set the order of candidate appearance on the fall ballot. Some states put candidates in chronological order of their official filing with the elections board, while others choose candidates or parties by lot. In fact, the smorgasbord of ways each state arranges candidates is staggering, both in its variety and, often, its complexity (for a complete list of how each state determi

How Many Registered Voters in Harrison, NY

Do You Know How Many Registered Voters are in Harrison , NY? From a recent Registered voters list there is 16,759 voters in Harrison, NY. The population was 27,472 resulting from the 2010 census. The Voter list is made up of the following Parties: Republican (5534) Democrats (5504) Nons (Independent) (4504) Independence (815) Conservative (310) Green Party (36) Working Families (21) Other (17) Libertarian Party (4) Working Womens' Equality (4)  Reform (2) Regarding Harrison, almost 10,000 people voted in the last Election, that was a presidential year so more voters participated in the election than normal, so we can expect a lower turnout to possibly 5 - 6 Thousand estimated.  As you can see, The Independent (non affiliated) voters could have a big impact on elections. I have learned alot about voting and the importance of a single vote. It is important to care, and your vote does make a difference. The people do, and can